February’s First Friday: the surREALism exhibition, plus a mini class!




The Modbo and S.P.Q.R. proudly present The surREALism Exhibition, a new show of breathtaking art by local artists opening on February 5th, 2016.  Featuring: Sean O’Meallie, Andy Tirado, Rodney Wood, Catherine Porter-Brown, Davoth, Brett Andrus, Tom Vail, Lindsay Hand, Cymon Padilla, Clive Nyles, and Lauren Ciborowski.  The shows will open from 5:30 until midnight on First Friday, and will remain up for viewing on subsequent Friday evenings through February,  ending February 26th.  The Modbo and SPQR are located at 17b and 17c East Bijou, 80903.  More information at themodbo.com or by calling 633-4240 or emailing themodbo@gmail.com

“I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak.” ― André Breton, Manifestoes of Surrealism

Breton published his Manifeste du surréalisme in 1924, signaling the beginning of an artistic realm. The award winning artists The Modbo presents in this show may not consider themselves to technically be surrealists, but their work invites the viewer to access the subconscious. We invite you to wade in and experience a different world in this once-in-a-lifetime, all star exhibition.

Additionally, please join us for the first in our new lecture series: Sound Smart at the Museum: SurREALism Style. Saturday, February 13th. 3:30-5:30 pm. $15. RSVP to the themodbo@gmail.com